Book Club Review

The Book Club met yesterday to discuss Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger. Overall, it got a lot of positive comments. This is a coming of age story in small town USA where several deaths in the summer of 1961 leads to grace. It has strong writing and well-developed characters.…

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2017 Summer Activity Presenters

Macon County Conservation District Magic Storyteller Chris McBrien Caterpillar Senior Product Design Engineer Matt Nickols Local Artist Jeanne Helm Samuel Flickinger Hannah Millington Joel Shoemaker-Oakwood Public Library Director Zip Tie Fighters Robotics Team Xin “Water” Zhoa

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Summer Reading is Coming!

Our annual Summer Reading is almost here! This year, younger kids will get a log to keep track of how many minutes they read each week, then they can bring it into the library for a weekly prize! Older kids have a book Tic-Tac-Toe sheet, where they read three books…

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A Big Thank You!!!

Today, all of the books were cleared out of the Argenta Public Library as we prepare the building for the renovation. As we make progress during the renovation, I will be posting pictures on the website and facebook. Here is what our building currently looks like: A big thank you…

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